■EViews现在直接提供对于FRED(Federal Reserve Economic Data)数据的连接,打开,查询和导入的支持
■支持读取Excel2007 XLSX文件
■新的EViews Microsoft Excel插件提供了简单的用于从Microsoft Excel 中读取保存到EViews workfile和数据库中的数据
■外部程序可以使用新的EViews OLEDB驱动来读取保存到EViews workfiles(WF1)和EViews数据库中的数据
■您可以通过创建脚本或程序让EViews COM automation服务器启动或控制EViews,传输数据或执行EViews命令
■EViews COM automation客户端支持MATLAB and R,让您可以使用?EViews来和强大的MATLAB和R的编程语言进行交互
■插补工具(线性,对数线性,Catmul-Rom Spline,Cardinal Spline)现在已经作为一个序列过程
■极大的改善了单方程的工具变量(Instrumental Variables)/两阶段最小二乘(Two-?Stage?Least?Squares)和广义矩估计估计GMM(带有新的对LIML和K-class估计的支持)
■对于广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Models)的规范和估计的支持
■新的用于对加权最小二乘(weighted least squares)指定权重的方式
操作系统:Windows 2000,Windows 2003,WindowsXP(32bitor 64bit),Windows Vista(32bit or64bit),Windows Server 2008(32bit or 64bit),Windows 7(32bit or 64bit).
32 MB for Windows98,Me or NT
64 MB for Windows2000,2003
256MBWindows XP
512 MB Windows Vista or Windows 7
202 MB 的磁盘空间保存EViews可执行和支持文件,完整的手册文档和案例文档,仅EViews可执行和支持文件就需要78MB的空间;
EViews 7 offers academic researchers, corporations, government agencies, and students access to powerful statistical, forecasting, and modeling tools through an innovative, easy-to-use object-oriented interface.
Find out for yourself why EViews is the worldwide leader in Windows-based econometric software and the choice of those who demand the very best…
EViews 7 Overview
A combination of power and ease-of-use make EViews 7 the ideal package for anyone working with time series, cross-section, or longitudinal data. With EViews, you can quickly and efficiently manage your data, perform econometric and statistical analysis, generate forecasts or model simulations, and produce high quality graphs and tables for publication or inclusion in other applications.
Featuring an innovative graphical object-oriented user-interface and a sophisticated analysis engine, EViews blends the best of modern software technology with the features you’ve always wanted. The result is a state-of-the art program that offers unprecedented power within a flexible, easy-to-use interface.
What’s New in EViews 7
EViews 7 features a wide range of exciting changes and improvements. The following is an overview of the most important new features in Version 7.
Optimized routines for faster computation.
Multi-processor/core support with custom user settings.
EViews Interface
"Theme" support lets you customize the appearance of your EViews windows.
Enhanced drag-and-drop support throughout the program.
Improved command entry interface with enhanced command editing and recall, and undocking of the command window. Improved graph options interface.
Updated global options interface.
Auto-update from the web ensures that your copy of EViews 7 is always up-to-date.
New compiled HTML based help system.
The EViews Add-ins infrastructure offers seamless access to user-defined programs using the standard EViews command, menu, and object interface. Create user-defined programs that are virtually indistinguishable from built-in-features.
Data Handling
New workfile data frequencies: high-frequency (Intraday) data, with full support for hours, minutes, and seconds frequencies, multi-year, bimonthly, fortnight, 10-day, and daily with an arbitrary range of days of the week.
Greatly enhanced support for strings, including new string and string vector objects, an extensive library of new functions for creating and manipulating string lists, and improved programming support. EViews now offers direct support for connecting to, opening, querying, and importing from the FRED? (Federal Reserve Economic Data) database. Support for reading Microsoft Excel? 2007 XLSX Files.
Improved data import featuring more powerful command line tools for reading foreign data into an existing workfile.
New "live" graphs auto-update as the underlying data change.
Improved graph options interface.
Interactive observation info display lets you inspect labels and values associated with points on a graph. Improved control over formatting of dates in the observation scale/axis.
More flexible custom observation labels for the observation scale/axis.
Added control over date label positioning and two row labeling.
Enhanced control over date/observation axis grid line placement.
Programming Support
User-defined dialog functions allow you to create dialogs to interact with users.
Programs now support message logging.
Program file editor supports quick multi-line commenting.
Greatly enhanced support for strings, including new string and string vector objects, an extensive library of new functions for creating and manipulating string lists, and improved programming support. Enhanced support for text objects.
New object data members.
New general information functions.
External Interfaces
The new EViews Microsoft Excel? Add-in offers a simple interface for reading data stored in EViews workfiles and databases from within Microsoft Excel. External programs may use the new EViews OLEDB driver to read data stored in EViews workfiles (WF1) and EViews databases (EDB). You may use the EViews COM automation server by creating scripts or programs that launch or control EViews, transfer data, and execute EViews commands. EViews COM Automation Client Support for MATLAB? and R allows you to use EViews to interact with the powerful programming languages of MATLAB and R.
Interpolation tools (Linear, Log-linear, Catmul-Rom Spline, Cardinal Spline) are now offered as a series procedure.
Whitening is now offered as a series or group procedure.
Long-run variances and covariances may now be calculated from a series or group of series. Variance ratio testing for a random walk or martingale in a series.
Single equation tests for cointegration are provided for a group of series or for an equation estimated using cointegrating regression.
Greatly improved single equation Instrumental Variables/Two-Stage Least Squares and GMM estimation (with new support for LIML and K-class estimation).
Bult-in support for specification and estimation of single equation cointegrating regression. Support for specification and estimation of Generalized Linear Models. New methods of specifying weights for weighted least squares.
Expanded choice of coefficient covariance estimators for single equation regression models. Enhanced post-estimation diagnostics for single equation regression models.
New test and diagnostic views for TSLS and GMM equations.
EViews 7 System Requirements
CPU: Pentium or better
Operating System: Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP (32bit or 64bit), Windows Vista (32bit or 64bit), Windows Server 2008 (32bit or 64bit), Windows 7 (32bit or 64bit). Memory:
32 MB for Windows 98, Me or NT
64 MB for Windows 2000, 2003
256 MB Windows XP
512 MB Windows Vista or Windows 7
Disk Space:
202 MB of available hard disk space for the EViews executable, supporting files, full documentation, and example files. 75 MB for EViews executable and supporting files only. Hardware: CD-ROM

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